Firefox Extension - Find Email Addresses

Find Email Addresses is a simple extensions that quickly shows any email addresses on a web page.

Found addresses can be clicked on and used or you can copy/paste the comma separated list for any mailing routines you use.

A 'Copy All' link is available below the email addresses that copy the addresses to your clipboard.

Handy extension for those wanting to save time when building mailing lists.


This can be found as a Firefox Add-on Extension.

If any email addresses are found a green box is displayed on the right side of your screen with a list of the discovered addresses.

You shouldn't see any duplicate results for a page.

If no addresses are found, a red box is displayed with some explanation text.

Keep in mind that you may get some false positives as the extension is using a simple regex expression to find strings that are similar to an email address format.

On the Plan

  • Automatically store found addresses
  • Make the stored data downloadable in CSV format
  • Provide the ability to manage stored data

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